>Perhaps many meteorwrongs actually were meteorites!

I seem to encounter misguided individuals who tenuously believe such
dribble on regular basis. Russell T Wing is the exemplar of
meteorwrong 'wingnuts' just as Harvey Nininger is to meteorite
enthusiasts. Here is an example from Wing's book:"This entire
experience seemed incredible and unbelievable. How could a small
collection of stones - not over 100 - and over half of them picked up
out of my rock garden in 1969, produce 25 earth-type quartz meteorites
when never before had a quartz meteorite been known!  ... But in this
investigation, the unthinkable thing seems to be the common thing. And
again, after thinking things over, my unbelievable collection of
quartz meteorites needed to balance it off; they simply could not be
alone. There must also be many other kinds of meteorites here if my
quartz ones were authentic."

 And Wing goes on to 'discover' 'authentic' meteoritic petrified wood
and meteoritic fossils, etc. The wingstars were everywhere! All you
have to do is look!  Yikes!

Can anyone explain this dogged type thinking? That the owner's rock
HAS TO BE a meteorite despite the fact that every expert contacted has
told them differently. I just don't understand the thinking but I want


On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 10:12 PM, James Balister <balisterja...@att.net> wrote:
> On the meteorite men Jeff and Steve showed a meteorite that was non magnetic 
> and seemed to have no iron at all.  Anyone know if it had nickel in it?  How 
> did they determin it was a meteorite?  Has anyone ever heard of wingstars?  
> Could that stone be a wingstar?  Wingstars have always interested me because 
> they are oriented and look just like a meteorite but lack ni/fe.  Perhaps 
> many meteorwrongs actually were meteorites!
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