I think, this photo of eucrite is only an EXAMPLE send by Mr Spurny and its not from this fall. For me its only ilustration for article, and yes it looks like fresh eucrite. But meteorites found in Slovakia/Hungary is H5 chondrite. It looks like OC than achondrite here

Here is nice two video. Second one show how clearly that this is chondrite


Who is going to hunt ? Im around 200km from site :D

-----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-----[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-----
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--------[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]--------

Take a look at the photos in the article, does this appear to be an achondrite/eucrite maybe?

On the eastern Slovakia fell meteorite, scientists found fragments of
Eastern Slovakia fell to an hour before midnight on 28th February tens of kilograms of rock from space. These were fragments of a meteorite that burned up in atmosphere, lit up the sky in a radius of several hundred kilometers and frightening residents.

Some fragments of the meteorite, astronomers have found, researched and today it is first shown to the public. How Radiožurnál said Marek Husařík of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the largest piece weighs over two kilograms.
Interview with Mark Husařík from the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in the afternoon Radiožurnál
DOWNLOAD (download)

"It has a dark gray color is relatively heavy compared to other stones, which are normally found on Earth," described Husařík rare find.

Scientists have found fragments of municipalities of Klatovy Vyšný west of Kosice. Whence meteorid arrived, trying to find Slovak astronomers, together with experts from the Ondrejov Observatory of the Academy of Sciences.

"Identify heliocentric orbit is not easy, it is necessary to determine the position of being the largest pieces of which we have actually only one," said Husařík.

Impacts of meteorites on Earth are referred to him a frequent phenomenon, but it is not easy to record. "Specifically, the Slovak has been observed, there are five falls. Recent findings from the 1994 Rumanová the village, "he said.

Part of the material universe is now going to analyze the composition, more debris then end up in museum in the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic and Hungary. It then comes under Husařík important video that helped to identify the impact site.

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA
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