Hello Meteorite Fans,

We can't wait until you see the August issue of Meteorite Magazine because it 
looks great! We just finished with the proofs and very soon it will be off to 
the printer and into your mailboxes. 
The redesign will be an ongoing process and we are counting on everyone to let 
us know what you like and what you don't. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated 
so please don't hesitate to contact us.
Subscription information is contained in the email below. Subscribe today!
Meteorite welcomes unsolicited material. Articles can be sent by email to Larry 
at lebof...@lpl.arizona.edu. Due to Larry and Nancy's schedules, articles need 
to be in by August 1st to be in the next issue. They are especially interested 
in science articles.
Thanks so much for your support.
Best wishes,
Maria Haas
Larry Lebofsky

> In a message dated 07/02/10 22:05:33 Mountain Daylight Time, 
> dragons...@msn.com writes:
> Hello Meteorite Magazine Fans,
> Now that I am settled in Tucson, I am closer to Larry Lebofsky and more able 
> to help with Meteorite magazine. While Meteorite is still published by the 
> University of Arkansas, Larry and I are helping with the subscriptions and 
> advertising.
> Our first order of business was to set up a PayPal account and a Post Office 
> box to accept subscriptions. Of course, we can still renew or purchase new 
> subscriptions with cash, check or money order but having a PayPal account 
> will make it much, much easier.
> Our second order of business will come as a great surprise to everyone. The 
> August issue marks the beginning of a complete redesign of the magazine! 
> Geoff Notkin's classic Meteorite cover will still show through the changes 
> we've made and we think you'll really like what else we've done.
> A one year subscription of your favorite magazine is still US$35/US$47 for 
> international subscribers. Back issues are still available for US$10 each but 
> you'll have to let us know quickly as they can sell out pretty fast. Please 
> let us know which issue(s) you are looking for and we will sell them on a 
> first come, first served basis. Unfortunately, we have no copies prior to 
> 2006.
> The greatest thing about Meteorite accepting PayPal is that you can pay via 
> credit card, debit card, or instant transfer from your bank account in 
> addition to cash, check, or money order in USD. Just about the only thing 
> Meteorite won't accept as payment is a farm animal so now there's no excuse 
> to not subscribe.
> Meteorite magazine's new Paypal account is waiting for subscriptions. Please 
> send funds to meteoritemagaz...@hotmail.com.
> Our Tucson Post Office box is:
> Larry Lebofsky
> PO Box 35154
> Tucson, AZ 85740-5154
> We will also need contact information with your subscription. If you are 
> using PayPal you could use the space provided there or send the following to 
> Larry at lebof...@lpl.arizona.edu:
> Name:
> Street:
> City:
> State:
> Zip:
> Country:
> Phone Number:
> Email Address:
> Writers and advertisers are always welcome. Email your article to Larry at 
> lebof...@lpl.arizona.edu and I will help with advertising.
> Questions or comments, please contact Larry Lebofsky or myself.
> Best wishes from both of us,
> Maria Haas
> Larry Lebofsky
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