Yep, there are parts of Nevada that I believe have never been explored, at 
by modern man.  It is nice to drive 100 miles down dirt trails and not see a 
single sign of recent human inhabitants.  No trash, no fences, no noise 
pollution, no light pollution and no cell phone connections. You can actually 
see the Milky Way, something I have not witnessed on a regular basis since I 
a kid.  

I remember four wheeling it with some friends last Spring who pointed out wild 
life running in herds. I realized that it could easily pass for a safari in 
Africa but here we were in Nevada.  This state has barely been touched as far 
meteorite hunters go and I would like to see it remain open to meteorite 
for generations to come. It would be a shame if a few lazy gold hunters leaving 
gaping holes behind make it off limits for other purposes or too much talk of 
monetary value starts an unwanted amateur meteorite hunting rush out here.  If 
you see one of these idiots, remind them to fill their holes and pick up their 
trash.  I think if we all respect the landowners and their land that this area 
will be open to meteorite hunters for at a least a couple of more years.

Happy Hunting,


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