You know... I've read some pretty F'd up things on list, but this one takes the F'ing cake Michael B. For crying out loud. Are you serious? I believe it's absolutely out of line considering the circumstance. I don't say much negative on list, and try to keep it down to a dull roar. But this time I can' help it... You've said some pretty hateful things Michael. This isn't even a bad joke... WTF?


On 3/9/2011 6:14 PM, Jim Strope wrote:
Is this some kind of joke?  BTWay, your post would have been easir to read if 
the punctuation and capitalization was presented properly.

Jim Strope
421 Fourth Street
Glen Dale, WV  26038

To Becky, Kirk, Carl 2, et al.
No one (except Melody&  Rob's sweetie) is happier than I
that Mike and Rob are safe and free.
However, those of you who are calling for his return to the
List have forgotten that Mike's self medication is highly unreliable
And he is given not only to fits of frothing at the mouth blather and
Attack, but also to obscenity, etc.
NO, while I am very happy to see him safe and free and look
Foreword to seeing him at the Tucson Show - where I can walk out
Of his room if he is in the throws of negativity, there is NO WAY
I would ever want to see him back on this list.
I would love for someone - perhaps Jim Strope or the like to
Send the list a web site address when Michael is ready to tell his
Story and we can all go there and read about it.
How quickly people forget (or perhaps you weren't on the list
Then?) that Mike was taken off the list more than once, later allowed
To return and eventually fell back into mad dog mode rantings and
By all means, do not take my word for it - go into the list archives
And read some of those posts yourself (though Art may have deleted
Some of the worst ones for obscenity and possible slander suits).
Welcome back Mike! But not to the list, please.
Perhaps if Mike were to get psychiatric help and establish a
Stability on prescription medication - but don't hold your breath.
He has publicly stated many times he goes to Mexico for Haldol
And one more than one occasion stated he needed to adjust his
Mental illness is a serious disease and needs to be treated
As such. Mike has many terrific characteristics which I enjoy
And admire. He is generally generous, honest and I do not doubt
He has a good heart - I pray he gets the help he needs. However,
until then, I do not want to read endless hostile, ranting posts.
Sincerely, Michael Blood

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