
It is behaviour like yours that turns people away form this list. From your comments I have a clear picture of what kind of person you are.

Mike Tettenborn

On 02/04/2011 12:52 PM, MEM wrote:
(NOTE: waste, fraud , and abuse of public funds is a matter of public interest)

Steve,  If you were to ask, I am sure some folks here on the list would "rent"
you some  meteorites-- Netflix-style-- you can swap out every 2 weeks and save
all the

hassle of buying high and selling low.

However I need to ask: are you using your unemployment check again to buy
meteorites? We both know the  Illinois Department of Labor doesn't look kindly
on using

unemployment funds to purchase inventory for  business-activity--and they
consider buying and selling

business-activity whether declared or not.  In fact one isn't eligible for
unemployment if they run their own business, and if it is an unlicensed
business.  That gets into the fraud arena....again.

One may not own/operate a "business" while drawing unemployment
compensation--and...well you already know that don't you? You may not be earning

"wages" but you aren't unemployed, if you are buying and selling.  Some folks

the  the IDOL Fraud Hotline on speed dial. The messages you post on the internet

are  evidence that you engage in buying and selling during times of

I don't know the penalty of a conviction on this but is it really worth the risk

and given everything else you say is on your plate do you really want to take
groceries money to spend $350-600 for something you will eventually sell for
$70-80 out of desperation.


----- Original Message ----
From: steve arnold<stevenarnold60...@yahoo.com>
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Fri, April 1, 2011 9:04:52 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] tatahouine

Good morning list.Anyone have any tatahouine available?Say in the 10 to 20 gram

range and could give me a good deal?
  Steve R.Arnold, Chicago!
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