We should remove subsidies from EVERY industry. A true market economy. Only the 
strong will survive.

Matt Morgan
Mile High Meteorites
P.O. Box 151293
Lakewood, CO 80215

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Kowalski <damoc...@yahoo.com>
Sender: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 13:12:13 
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>; David R. Vann<drv...@sas.upenn.edu>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OT -Oil reserves, the reality

Thanks for the excellent synopsis. We certainly do go off topic on this list 
quiet often, but it is well thought out, reasoned and factual posts like yours 
that make these excursions not so unwelcome.

I always find it interesting when complain about the highly manipulated and 
subsidized oil industry. The "drill here" crowd always say that by tapping 
resources here, the price of a gallon will come down. I always ask, "Why is 
that? The crude will be sold on the open market, to anyone in the world with 
cash to buy it. There is zero evidence that the price will drop due to this new 
production, after the many years it would take to bring on line, because there 
is continuing and growing worldwide demand.

It is no secret that the oil industry is highly subsidized in the US by tax 
breaks and a number of other benefits and gives backs We the People provide for 
this industry. If these blatant subsidizes alone  were removed and these 
companies paid their fair share, the joke, smoke & mirror political theater we 
have going on in DC right now would be wiped out. So, we could have everything 
being cut if the oil industry just paid their fair share.

What always goes unspoken is the fact that the US military protects oil assets 
and transportation for most of the world, free of charge to both the industry 
and other countries. The American taxpayer is happy to borrow against their 
children's future to protect the price and supply  of oil for the rest of you. 
You are welcome. All we ask is you continue to buy our debt and not burn our 

I recently heard a report that if all of the subsidies were removed from the 
oil industry, including our military protection, the price per gallon here 
would be more than $14. I suspect it would be much higher than that in Europe 
because they would need to pay for protecting their own supplies, instead of 
letting the United States do it.

On one last point, and very off topic even for this off topic post, The same 
group blamed for the price of gas is also blamed for the death of nuclear power 
here as well. Unfortunately that isn't true. The bankers are what has killed 
NP, because they refuse to put money into it. There is just too much down side 
for the investment. That's why nuclear power here requires large government 
oversight and huge government funds to exist.

Big government and big spending is what is currently supporting both 
industries. So much for the free market.


Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081
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