I think this guy may be more foolish and naive than devious. Here are some messages I revived from him.

Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 19:06:50 +0800
From: "Joel Samson" <joel.m...@gmail.com>
To: koro...@wustl.edu
Subject: Fwd: Pix 3

Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 10:39:40 +0800
From: "Joel Samson" <joel.m...@gmail.com>
To: koro...@wustl.edu
Subject: my first lunar rock found in our country the PHILIPPINES!

dear sir this photo is a similar stones to dhofar 908 group tkw of the rock is 1738grams.THANKS! JOEL

Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 19:28:26 -0800
From: "Joel Samson" <joel.m...@gmail.com>
To: koro...@wustl.edu
Subject: thanks for the info

hi sir for now i idont have money to pay for the test of my rock.thanks for the info.GODBLESS! FROM JOEL
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 09:38:57 +0800
From: "Joel Samson" <joel.m...@gmail.com>
To: koro...@wustl.edu
Subject: ?

dear sir why did you post my rock on your gallery of meteorwrongs?it hasnt been tested that my rock is not a lunar meteorite? its very hard for me to accept it,but again youre the expert! GODBLESS!

At 12:32 PM 2011-05-11 Wednesday, you wrote:
Hello Folks,

It was brought to my attention that Joel Samson posted some "meteorites" for sale on Facebook today. One of them is a definite fake 5000, a questionable "Haberer Meteorites" Dhofar 908 and some other offerings.

Here are a couple of the images he posted on the "Meteorites" Group in Facebook:

Fake 5000 offered by Joel Samson:

Questionable Dhofar 908 from "Haberer Meteorites" being offered by Joel Samson on Facebook (anyone who knows Siegfried Haberer will want to contact him!!):

Anything and everything needs to be done to rid this industry of yet another scam artist!!!

Best Regards,
Greg Hupé

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