Dear Ian,

I did not mean to imply that the list of
other traits were particularly associated
with her Canadian origin in any way.

The principal target of her attack was
media theorist Marshall McLuhan, a
Canadian, who first discussed the effect
of various media on the mind, especially
television, which Cameron seriously
disliked for discouraging the young
from reading.

Then she attacked Dahl for his books
-- when they do read, this is what they
like -- which she said revealed what a terrible
human being he was. It was what we call
an ad hominem attack, or directed at the
person himself. Dahl, of course was British,
as the mention of his WWII RAF rank of
Wing Commander should make clear.

However, she did not criticize him for his
beastly behavior toward harmless German
tourists visiting Britain, France and Greece
in their Messerschmidts and Junkers.

Having already indicated (implicitly) that
Dahl was a UK writer, I felt it was worth
pointing out that Cameron was Canadian,
hence the quarrel was intra-Commenwealth
though fought on American soil and over
their markets.

Actually, it wasn't that simple. Although
Eleanor Cameron was born in Canada, she
lived most of her life in California. Her parents
moved to Berkeley, California, early in her life.
She then lived in Los Angeles until she moved
to Pacific Grove, California, where she lived for
the rest of her life.

And Dahl, as his first name Roald suggests,
was Norwegian, whose parents moved to Wales
where he was born and grew up, but spending
every summer with his grandmother in Norway,
but he would end up spending much time living
in New York because his wife was an American
movie star.

Cameron being Canadian in origin has nothing
to do with her being a twit, humourless and
thick. I suspect those traits are innate. And I doubt
that Dahl had devillishly pointed wit because he
was Norwegian or Welsh. Of course the Oompah
Loompahs are a satire of slavery! Cameron simply
believes that children are not capable of thinking
and must be told explicitly what to feel and believe.

She says so in her attack on Dahl. Children are
too dumb to get it... probably because she is too
dumb to get it, since she seems to think Dahl is
actually advocating slavery. Many of the practices
Dahl satirized, tickets, prizes, tours, free goodies,
were devices of the giant Cadbury company (who
used to force their workers to live in company
towns Nestled up against the factory like Oompah

Sadly (I think) Dahl's publishers had him re-write
the book to eliminate politically incorrect criticism.
Eventually it was re-written several more times,
some of them after his death, so we;ll never know
what he wrote unless you have a 1964-1972 copy..

Speaking of satire, here's more information on
the poor enslaved population of Oompah Loompahs:

Sterling K. Webb
----- Original Message ----- From: Ian Nicklin To: ; MexicoDoug ; ; Sterling K. Webb
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] OT Vesta

what, exactly, does her being Canadian have to do with her being a twit, humourless or thick? she may well have been all of the aforementioned, however, Canadians have not cornered the market on any of those traits, and speaking of bricks, people living in glass houses should be careful about hucking them about.

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