On Jan 4, 2006, at 2:02 PM, Tantek Çelik wrote:

On 1/4/06 1:52 PM, "David Janes -- BlogMatrix" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tantek Çelik wrote:

An explanation is different from a specification.

I would welcome a tutorial on rel-bookmark on microformats.org -- let's just
be very clear that it is NOT a new microformat, nor would it be a

Perhaps we could call it:


Other suggestions for indicating that something is a explicitly an
informative tutorial rather than a specification (I'm not saying we have to
always append "-tutorial", but naming conventions tend to be useful,
especially when one could easily confuse a /wiki/rel-bookmark page as being
a specification since the URL looks like other /wiki/rel-* pages).

As long as the page is not structured like a spec, this should be clear - we perhaps need a Template:DesignPattern to use liek the spec templates.

A precedent is perhaps

http://microformats.org/wiki/abbr-design-pattern and http://microformats.org/wiki/datetime-design-pattern

for documenting something that is standard HTML, but used in a 'clever' way.

(also, as http://www.microformats.org/wiki/rel-bookmark is #3 on Google for a search for 'rel bookmark', putting something there is better than nothing).

Conceptually, is there a microformat "rel-bookmark" or not (irregardless
of who is providing the spec)?

No there is no "rel-bookmark" microformat.

rel="bookmark" is a normative part of the HTML 4.01 specification.

Using rel="bookmark" is "just" using semantic (X)HTML. Nothing new about it.

where people are going to look. This of course code just say "this is
defined by HTML 4.01" and "here's how we use it [[rel-bookmark-tutorial]]"

Are you suggesting we put in a stub page on the wiki for everything we
re-use from HTML 4.01?

Not for clear well-known element, but when we come up with a good reuse like this of a more obscure part of a spec, this is a good way to encourage people to read the core specs themselves, and not just blithely make up new elements.

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