John Panzer wrote:

That is, if my review the content of a blog entry, and my entry's title
is my blog entry's title, do I need to repeat it?  Or can readers use
"headline" for whatever they'd normally use "summary" for?

Since "summary" is optional, this isn't as critical as "author", but it
would be nice to know what the best thing to do is where you really do
want to supply it, but want to avoid duplication.

In hAtom, we could just use multiple class names, e.g.:

<div class="hentry hreview">
        <h4 class="summary title">Review of Something</h4>

But when that gets converted into Atom (or read directly by an aggregator), it will no longer be recognizable as an hReview, because it's not part of the content. To have it included in the content, it would need to be like:

<div class="hentry">
        <h4 class="title">Review of Something</h4>
        <div class="content>
                <h5 class="summary">Review of Something</h4>
So how would we use hAtom to syndicate microformatted data without such redundancy? Or is that a 20% case?

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