Ross Singer wrote:

In regards to your local (public) library not running one of these "link resolver" thingamabobs, that's hardly an excuse not find value in the technology. It's only a matter of time before all libraries have a link resolver of some sort. The rise of electronic resources has basically rendered the link resolver as important as the catalog.

There are logical reasons that you find it currently at the academic level, rather than the public library level - the bread and butter of link resolvers (and, indeed, citations and scholarly research) is in journal articles. This is a much larger part of a university library budget than a public library's.

However, the state of Georgia will be rolling out link resolving for all citizens (colleges, public libraries, K-12) this year, so the trend is certainly moving "down the library food chain".

I'm not clear on how the existence of link resolvers is relevant to an XHTML microformat adopting OpenURL's metadata labels. Is everyone talking about the same thing here, roughly what Tim and Ed pointed to [1,2]?

[2] journals

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