On Apr 4, 2006, at 7:14 PM, Ryan King wrote:

I wouldn't even now how to begin encoding a vCard as an hCard, and it
doesn't sound like there is any reason to. Would an hcard even exist,

Huh? "Would it exist on its own?" There are plenty of hCards that exist on their own, sans-vCards. See http://microformats.org/wiki/ hcard#Examples_in_the_wild.

I think maybe Sam meant as a separate document, outside of a larger XHTML document. This isn't common use of hcard, but it's possible. I do it in AJAX applications.

Here's the main rule:
"The basic format of hCard is to use vCard object/property names in
lower-case for class names, and to map the nesting of vCard objects
directly into nested XHTML elements."

All the structured types (ADR, GEO, ORG,..) have names assigned to what
are ';' seperated fields. The above rule would give:

<JOE class="ORG">Company;Unit;Sub-Unit</JOE>

No, you would use the names for the sub-properties, and lower-case the class names.

Right, those are listed here:


And they are applied according to the general rule (as lower-case class names).

Maybe we should have a "Where's the rest of the spec?" FAQ? I expect others coming from a background in XML formats rather than XHTML could easily experience the same confusion Sam had.

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