On Jun 4, 2006, at 2:21 AM, Mark Mansour wrote:

I have to say "great job" on the pingerati digester and multiplexer!

Just a couple of administrative items
- I cant get reach events.pingerati.com/ping/ or review.* as noted on
the about page (I stopped trying after these two failed)

Oops, that should be events.pingerati.net/ping/ etc.
I corrected the page. We intend to get pingerati.com routed too but it isn't set up yet. Sorry for the confusion. Also not it should be reviews.pingerati.net/ping/ (ie plural 'reviews' not singular 'review').

- the ping format on the about page indicates that the scheme should
not be used in the ping URI, but the homepage and the bookmarklet seem
to indicate that the scheme should be included and that it should be
http:// (my preference is for the scheme should be included).

We will cope with either, so sending it with http is fine (do make sure you escape the URL, especially if it has any ? & or # in).

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