Great, David - I'll add mine.
On Jun 14, 2006, at 2:36 AM, David Janes -- BlogMatrix wrote:

Strangely enough!:

Regards, etc...

Kevin Marks wrote:
rel-enclosure is deliberately limited, so that it can be used as part of a wider format. The issue of alternative representations seems like a common one for media. At the HTML level rel="alternate" is used for this.
If you are listing alternatives, use  a list
So for your examples, a possible model would be
<ol class="alternatives">
<li><a href="story.doc" rel="enclosure alternate" type="application/msword">the story in Word format</a></li> <li><a href="story.pdf" rel="enclosure alternate" type="application/pdf">the story in pdf format</a></li> <li><a href="story.txt" rel="enclosure alternate" type="text/plain">the story in text format</a></li>
just an initial thought - lets do a proper problem statement and follow the process:
On Jun 13, 2006, at 7:31 PM, Joshua Kinberg wrote:
I think the concern may be that relEnclosure is rather limited...

For instance, how do I use relEnclosure to markup a group of files
that may different versions of the same content? For example, a
document in Word, PDF, and TXT... or a video in Mov, WMV, etc.

Is there any way to specify an enclosure group? Should there be?

Could it be as simple as defining a class="enclosuregroup" block  (or
something like that) and then any relEnclosures within that block are
then known to belong to the same group?
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