On Jul 18, 2006, at 2:03 PM, Ryan King wrote:

Another problem - going to, for example,

Tails use the correct date (17 July) whereas the Google hCalendar
Greeasemonkey script uses a date of 16 July.

I'm not familiar that greasemonkey script. You may want to talk to its author.

I know of two such scripts, and I am the author of one. I'm not currently able to load that URL, so I can't see the problem right now. There are three places where this can go wrong: 1) in the markup, 2) in the Greasemonkey script, and 3) at Google Calendar. For 1), in my limited testing, almost no one is publishing time zones correctly, which is only an obvious problem when you try to use an event across time zones. For 2), if there is a bug, I'll need to see the URL in question to track it down. For 3), I vaguely recall Google Calendar doesn't always correctly convert times to the time zone set in your preferences.

Most problems are in 1) and/or 3), which makes it difficult to track down problems in 2). Garbage in, garbage out, as they say.


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