On Oct 19, 2006, at 9:57 PM, Christopher Rines wrote:

In my opinion amount is a really difficult one to abbreviate (or any measure for that matter) as it can be used to describe a lot of other things for which there is not yet a microformat but cur (for currency) is interesting as just off the top of my head I don't think currency is used in a lot of
other situations but could we abbreviate current (if we did something
electrical) with cur?

I guess this reinforces my point that while useful abbreviations in
human-readable things are tricky at best. Just like acronyms can be an
insiders language, abbreviations can obfuscate meaning.

On the broader point, assuming you use gzip when you care about size, abbreviations don't save much, especially in the many-repeated case discussed.

Also, using whole english words means that the gzip is likely to be more able to exploit the natural redundancy of the English language (assuming your text outside the markup is English).

If someone has whole-page examples I'll be happy to compare before and after gzipped ones.

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