If the page is for a person, then the RSS is an alternative. Use the Feed autodiscovery syntax makes sense:


but you could apply it to an <a href link instead of a <link one, eg

<a href rel="alternate me" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS feed of Ted Drake"
      href="http://example.com/feed.rss"; >Ted Drake's feed</a>

On Dec 1, 2006, at 3:14 AM, Brian Suda wrote:

hm... not exactly sure what you mean? there is hAtom to mark-up HTML as a feed.

But i think you are asking for a way to say: "That RSS over there is
about this person!" (right?) if so, then i would look at the XFN
rel="me" property. That is used for identity consolidation, which (i
think) is what you are asking about... if not just reply and we can
see what we can do.


On 11/30/06, Ted Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all

I am adding hcard to a page and wondered if there was a pattern for defining
the rss feed for an individual.
It seems like there would already be something simple, i.e. class="rss" or
rel="rss". I didn't see anything.

Do you have a suggestion?

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