On Dec 11, 2006, at 11:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Brian Suda wrote:
Microformats are meant as building blocks and they should be
able to be using independantly and together...

If that is true, how can it be achieved without a disambiguation conventions to keep official Microformats from conflicting with similar "techniques."

Or is it the view of the Microformat community that Microformats will keep it's house clean and, because Microformats are the "anointed" ones that it
just "sucks to be the other guy?"

Since Microformats (capital-M) are based on research of current practice, I think it's probably more helpful to think of techniques as proto- Microformats.

If the community is slow to develop a format that makes sense, we often
encourage authors to develop their own systems, which then can inform how a
format will function in the wild. This is where documentation and the
oft-belabored "process" becomes powerful. Although it can be annoying for early-adopters and people who need solutions now, it creates strong formats
once the issues are solidified.

Ryan Cannon

Interactive Developer
MSI Student, School of Information
University of Michigan

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