On Jan 30, 2007, at 4:06 PM, Ben Ward wrote:

Chris Messina:
<div class="vcard" id="vcard">
<address><a href="http://factoryjoe.com/blog/hcard/#hcard"; class="fn
url" rel="me self">Chris Messina</a></address>
 <div class="org">Citizen Agency</a>

John Allsopp:
The "definition" of the self attribute value in Atom is "self: the feed itself". The term "the" seems to indicate "definitiveness". So, I was initially going to argue that "self me" was tautological, but in fact, in this sense it is not, and indeed, the addition of bookmark is probably tautological.

So, I'd probably +1 this suggestion, […]

+1 from me as well.

Can we gauge wider support for this addition? Any problems from anyone?

Yes there are several problems:

1. XFN applies to whole pages. This means that you can't reliably put different people's hCards on the same page and do this.

2. We have prior art that is being ignored. Publishers are already using <a class="url uid" ...>...</a> to do this.

I apologize for being late to this discussion, but I think it's off track and we need to correct things a bit.

Ryan King

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