On Feb 8, 2007, at 3:54 AM, Ben Buchanan wrote:

The better approach is to lobby the software/server folks to fix their

Right. On this point, does anyone have a contact at Blogger? Support
emails do not get individual replies so we need someone to contact a
real live human.

I have contacts there, yes.

I mean, sure, I can keep banging away at their support form but their
email auto-responder just isn't convinced by my polite inquiries. This
is a big community, surely someone knows someone at Blogger/Google...?

The issue is this:

<a rel='tag' href="http://example.com/labels/testing.html";>testing</a>

...being the new Blogger's version of tagging. The existence of
rel='tag' suggests a desire to implement rel-tag. The .html suggests
that all Blogger posts will be indexed as tagterm.html

Can you show me an example of them getting it wrong?

I just republished my son's blog to check:


 and it correctly used:

<a rel='tag' href="http://funnystories.blogspot.com/search/label/ helmet">helmet</a>

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