In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Scott Reynen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>On May 8, 2007, at 10:22 AM, Chris Griego wrote:
>> rel-enclosure was ruled out because it's not always a download, but
>> sometimes a way to purchase, right? What if hAudio suggested the use
>> of rel-enclosure for downloads and rel-payment for ways to purchase?
>I think this is an excellent idea.  In addition to re-using existing
>microformats, knowing whether a link is a direct download or a
>purchase form would allow tools to provide more useful options to

I can foresee problems.

Suppose a publisher links to a third-party site, offering an audio track
as a free sample (or vice versa). Later, that latter site decides to
start charging for the track - how would the publisher know that their
site is no longer correct?

Andy Mabbett
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