On 10/14/07, Martin McEvoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yes I did notice that you have done a lot of work already to support an
> item design pattern or submicroformat
> On the Wiki Item has been tagged as Moribund?
> discussions on the list over the last few days certainly indicates that
> an Item submicroformat may be an extremely important tool
> Is there a reason Item never became a proposal? and also can you see any
> reasons why *Item* cannot be completed?
> Thanks
> Martin

I suspect it's marked moribund since there's been no activity in the
last year. I personally think it's a great idea, especially since it's
a refinement/distillation of what is already out there and think we
should complete it.

The reason it never became an official proposal is more complicated,
mainly that unless you have a cadre of interested people willing to do
the work ... and there's a lot ... it's pretty hard to individually
push a complete uF through the process here. As there were several
competing ideas at the time around uFs for "things", last year perhaps
wasn't the time.

Regards, etc...

David Janes
Founder, BlogMatrix
microformats-new mailing list

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