In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Martin McEvoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

<div class="figure">
 <img class="photo" src="photo.jpeg" alt="Albert Einstein"/>
   <a rel="tag" href="";>Photo</a>
   of <cite>Albert Einstein</cite> by
   <span class="contributor vcard">
      <span class="fn">Paul Ehrenfest</span>
      (<span class="role">photographer</span>)

Doesn't Albert deserve his own vcard, too?

photo from hcard to replace image

Not all images are photos. Let's please preserve semantics.

cite is just posh

Albert Einstein is not being cited, in the above example. If anyone is, it's Ehrenfest.

contributor from haudio

There is, as yet, no hAudio to take that from, Only a draft, in which the use of "contributor" is contentious. Also, "credit" would be more appropriate than "contributor" for a photo agency, for example.

I don't think legend is necessary as it seems to be acting as a
container uF?

Isn't legend "a key to the symbols or pictures in a map"?

Andy Mabbett
microformats-new mailing list

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