
Registration for the UCCSC 2016 “In IT Together” Conference at UC Santa
Cruz, July 10-12 is now open.

Register now! <>

The conference is open to the first 300 registered attendees. It will sell
out, so if you are planning on attending, please register as soon as
possible. Presenters and co-presenters will also need to register for the
conference and pay the attendance fee.

The cost to attend per person is $250 and includes:

   - Conference attendance and access to all scheduled events  - July 10-12
   - Sunday night reception with food and drinks - July 10
   - Breakfast and lunch  - July 11-12
   - Special Monday night dinner and event - July 11
   - Access to sponsor demonstrations and giveaways
   - Entry to keynote, Sautters Awards presentation, and CIO report

If you are a winner of the first-timer contest, make sure to use your
coupon code at the time of registration to have the $250 fee waived.
Winners were notified earlier this week and were given their coupon code.

This year’s host lodging for UCCSC is provided on campus. The apartments
are located at the conference site, just steps away from all of the
festivities. We highly recommend that you stay in on campus lodging,
especially when hotels in Santa Cruz in the summer can be very expensive
and there are no conference discounts. When you register, you’ll be
able to sign
up for on campus lodging <>.
If you are undecided, register for the conference and then you can come
back later to sign up for lodging.

If you have a guest traveling to the conference with you and they plan on
staying in campus lodging and/or attending the Sunday reception, they must
register <> separately.

We received over 130 wonderful proposals! We are still working on
finalizing the program session schedule, but you can view the preliminary
list of accepted sessions <>.

We have a wonderful conference planned - exciting sessions, a fabulous
keynote speaker, lots of first-timers, UC Medical Centers and Health
Centers participation, delicious food, and a super fun Monday night event.
Plus, you get to immerse yourself in the tranquil UC Santa Cruz setting.

We hope to see you there!

Norm Cheng

*UC Berkeley, UCCSC 2016 Ambassador*
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