*view online version* <https://technology.berkeley.edu/node/1266>


*One IT News is a bi-monthly newsletter providing status on key IT projects
and initiatives,important dates, events, news, and announcements from
campus-wide partners.*
[image: Larry Conrad photo] *W*elcome to the inaugural issue of One IT
News. We've made great strides in building the One IT community since
launching the movement in 2014. IT units across campus are doing terrific
work and we hope this e-newsletter will be another way for us to connect,
share news, and invite participation at upcoming events. The role of IT at
UC Berkeley is evolving as rapidly as the technology we use. From building
research environments that help create new knowledge, to sustaining the
technology and managing the data that power the campus experience, we
provide campus with the tools to learn, teach, and discover.
The stories shared here serve as a sampling of the work we do, each day, in
direct support of the teaching, research, and public service mission of UC
Berkeley. We hope you enjoy this issue. I look forward to seeing you at the IT
Summit on May 24 <http://bit.ly/Summit_April>!
~ Larry Conrad, Associate Vice Chancellor for IT and Chief Information
Good-Bye Tele-BEARS, Hello CalCentral, Welcome Class of 2020
[image: highway photo] <http://bit.ly/sis_website_APRIL>

[image: arrow up image] <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_top>

The SIS Project team hit several big milestones in March. The biggest SIS
project Go-Live <http://bit.ly/SIS_Go_live_April> was released March 21,
which included new CalCentral functionality that replacesTele-BEARS
<http://bit.ly/SIS_Update_APRIL> beginning with fall semester 2016
enrollment. In a great example of One IT collaboration, the SIS project
team hosted the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Financial Aid &
Scholarships Office (FASO), Student Affairs IT (SAIT), and Educational
Technology Services (ETS) CalCentral teams for the management,
coordination, and successful release of admissions decisions to over 80,000
Class of 2020 freshman applicants -- through the new SIS. See all milestones
<http://bit.ly/SIS_Milestones_April> | Watch the SIS video
<http://bit.ly/SIS_video_APRIL> | Visit SIS website
PI Portfolio Phase 3: Projections - Enhancements Now Available
[image: Student photo] <http://bit.ly/PI_portfolio_APRIL>

[image: arrow up image] <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_top>

PI Portfolio has been updated to include enhancements that will allow users
to view detailed and current actuals and projected balances for faculty
designated funds. PI Portfolio is a Cal Answers tool that provides a
comprehensive picture of fund balances, expenses, and budgets for
faculty-managed funds and sponsored awards. RAs or Departmental
Staff/Department Managers fulfilling the role of creating projections can sign
up for training <http://bit.ly/PI_sign_Up_APRIL> on the enhancements in PI
Portfolio. Training materials <http://bit.ly/PI_sign_Up_APRIL> and more
information on the enhancements are available on the PI Portfolio website
ServiceNow Project Completion Aims to Improve Customer Service
[image: ServiceNow flow chart image] <http://bit.ly/ServiceNOW_April>

[image: arrow up image] <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_top>

The ServiceNow Incident Management and Service Request project wrapped on
March 31! The year-long project has standardized IST, as well as other
campus IT partners like Student Affairs IT (SAIT), Educational Technology
Services (ETS), the SIS project, and Haas School of Business on a single
tool and a limited, shared set of processes to enable more efficient and
effective incident handling, improving customer experience. Read project
details here <http://bit.ly/ServiceNOW_April>.
SAIT's Student Leadership Program: Building Skills for the Future
[image: SAIT students photo] <http://bit.ly/SAIT_Student_leader_April>

[image: arrow up image] <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_top>

"Working in Student Affairs IT has given me both technical and customer
service background that can benefit me not only in IT but in many other
career fields. Knowing troubleshooting at any level is always a plus for
any employer, also being able to work with people and identify how to
resolve customers issues is very important and those are things that are
constantly reinforced in this environment." Rachel, a Cognitive Science
major graduating in 2017, shares her experience as a student employee in
SAIT. Read article <http://bit.ly/SAIT_Student_leader_April> | Visit
ResComp jobs <http://bit.ly/SAIT_rescomp_april>
BRC Program Receives NSF Grant for Cyberinfrastructure Engineer
[image: technology image] <http://bit.ly/BRC_april>

[image: arrow up image] <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_top>

A Cyberinfrastructure Engineer funded by the National Science Foundation
(NSF) will soon begin to help researchers adapt and scale research
workflows to take advantage of campus cyberinfrastructure including the
Berkeley Research Computing (BRC) resources, the Science DMZ and associated
high-speed networking, and high-speed data transfer tools. The position
will be funded by an ACI Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC-NIE) grant awarded
by the NSF in December 2015, and will augment the BRC Program’s staff. CIO
Larry Conrad is the Principal Investigator on the grant. Learn more
<http://bit.ly/BRC_april> | Job Posting #21444
A #Haasome Time Had by All
[image: haas event photo] <http://bit.ly/haas_event_APRIL>

[image: arrow up image] <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_top>

The Haas School of Business was the location for the most recent One IT
event (the twelfth since kicking off the movement two years ago!). More
than 250 participants gathered on April 14 to hear from CIO Larry Conrad,
Haas CIO Kevin Cornish, Dean Rich Lyons, and Professor Frank Schultz. Kevin
Cornish opened his remarks by saying, "It really makes me feel good seeing
all these faces from around campus," then proceeded to cite how Haas
continues to embrace technology with new and innovative technology
solutions. Attendees were ushered into the Expo portion of the event by the
charming “Haas-bot” robot, to view and experience the technologies used by
Haas. Read full article <http://bit.ly/haas_event_APRIL> | View event photos
Academic Innovation Studio Opens
[image: lecture photo] <http://bit.ly/AI_Studio_APRIL>

[image: arrow up image] <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_top>

ETS and Research IT are excited to introduce The Academic Innovation
Studio. This new space is a place where faculty, graduate student
instructors and academic support staff come together to think about, share,
and explore academic innovation. Campus teaching, learning, and research
support staff are available to engage and help think creatively and deeply
about projects visitors are undertaking. AIS partners include: Center for
Teaching and Learning, Research IT, the Library, Digital Humanities @
Berkeley, bConnected, Berkeley Resource Center for Online Education, and
Educational Technology Services. Visit the AIS website
Mailing Lists Migrating to Google
[image: google logo image] <http://bit.ly/Bconnected_Service_APRIL>

[image: arrow up image] <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_top>

As part of a larger effort to simplify email services at UC Berkeley, the
bConnected team will begin working with mailing list owners to migrate
mailing lists from CalMail (Mailman) to bConnected Lists (Google Groups)
starting April 27, 2016. List owners will be able to migrate their CalMail
lists through December 20, 2016. Check out the newly launched bConnected
Lists service page <http://bit.ly/Bconnected_Service_APRIL> for the most
up-to-date information. View program overview
CSS IT Continues to Demonstrate Teamwork
[image: CCS IT image] <http://bit.ly/CSS_IT_APRIL>

[image: arrow up image] <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_top>

CSS IT <http://bit.ly/CSS_IT_APRIL> is working on several coordinated
efforts with our campus IT partners. We are in close collaboration with the
bConnected team helping to clean up the campus mailing lists for the
upcoming migration to bConnected Lists (Google Groups) starting at the end
of April. Our techs are on the ground assisting IST with the Mac OS
upgrade, having upgraded hundreds of machines since December, and we are
actively helping out with answering overflow calls for the recent Go-Lives
for the Student Information System (SIS) project. *April 2016*

[image: calendar image] <http://bit.ly/One_IT_Calendar_APRIL>

*In this issue:*

Good-bye Tele-BEARS <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_goodbye>
PI Portfolio <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_PI>
ServiceNow <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_service>
SAIT Leadership Program <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_SAIT>
BRC Program Grant <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_BRC>
#Haasome Event <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_haasome>
Academic Innovation <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_AI>
Google Mailing Lists <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_google>
CSS IT Updates <#m_4136343216255143717_m_4086021414535726345_CSS>

[image: IT summit image] <http://bit.ly/Summit_April>

[image: security image] <http://bit.ly/top10_tips_APRIL>



[image: protecting credentials image]

[image: in it together conference image]

[image: volunteer one it image] <http://bit.ly/One_IT_volunteer_APRIL>

[image: twitter logo image] <http://bit.ly/twitter_APRIL>

[image: wisdom cafe image] <http://bit.ly/wisdom_cafe_APRIL>

[image: UC blog image] <http://bit.ly/UC_IT_BLOG_APRIL>


Technology@ <https://technology.berkeley.edu/>
IT Org Charts <http://bit.ly/org_charts_APRIL>
IT Staff Orgs <http://bit.ly/staff_orgs_APRIL>

*One IT News is produced by the Office of the CIO in collaboration with the
following IT partners:*
Campus Shared Services IT <http://bit.ly/CSS_FOOTER> | Educational
Technology Services <http://bit.ly/ETS_Footer_UPDATED_APRIL> | Electrical
Engineering & Computer Sciences <http://bit.ly/ENGINEERING_FOOTER>
Haas Technology Solutions <http://bit.ly/HAAS_FOOTER> | Information
Services & Technology (IST) <http://bit.ly/IST_Footer_UPDATED_APRIL> |
Athletics IT <http://bit.ly/ATHLETICS_FOOTER> | Law IT
<http://bit.ly/LAW_IT_FOOTER> |
Library IT <http://bit.ly/LIBRARY_FOOTER> | Research IT
<http://bit.ly/RIT_Footer_Updated_APRIL> | Student Affairs Information
Technologies (SAIT) <http://bit.ly/SAIT_FOOTER>

Office of the CIO | Earl Warren Hall, 2195 Hearst Ave., Suite 200,
Berkeley, CA 94720-4878
Phone: (510) 643-4090 | Fax: (510) 643-5385 | Website:

[image: berkeley logo]
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