Sorry - is this a response to my inquiry about a .dll file?


Jay H. Beder, Professor             EMS E485
Department of Mathematical Sciences                414-229-4836
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
PO Box 413
Milwaukee, WI  53201-0413
From: Evan Cooch <>
Sent: Sunday, January 7, 2018 6:03:15 PM
To: A place for MiKTeX users to discuss MiKTeX related questions.
Subject: [MiKTeX] followup on pstricks bug

According to Herbert Voss (who maintains the pstricks package):

"On CTAN is a fixed version since several days. And TeXLive already has
it" -- Herbert

So, the problem (according to Herbert) is that the MikTeX repos are
(still) out of date wrt to pstricks. I just looked 5 minutes ago, and
they're still showing an update available for the 2.80a build (31-Dec),
which is the same version from ~7 days ago that had the bug in it that
several people have posted on.

The older version of pstricks (11-28-2017 build date) still works, so
until MikTeX repos are updated to the latest and greatest, you either
ignore the MikTeX update, or pull down a version yourself from CTAN.

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