Am Mon, 23 Jul 2018 13:33:08 +0300 schrieb Igor Ya. Spectorsky:

> Hello,
> I've bees using MiKTeX mostly in cp866 (fontenc LCY). After reinstalling 
> Winows and MiKTeX, I encountered such a problem: command 
> \typeout{message} writing /message /to console stopped accepting 
> cyrillic symbols. Without \typein and \typeout, the file compiled well, 
> but I'd like to have my own little interface via \typein and \typeout.
> Thanks for any idea

You are not showing any code, so it is quite difficult to says
something. It could be a windows problem, a miktex problem, or
problem with your code ...

If you are using latex, be aware that latex now defaults to utf8,
you need to change this if you want to use another encoding.

Ulrike Fischer

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