Our organisation has a very restrictive computing environment. Users are not
permitted to install their own software. Furthermore, we make heavy use of
non-persistent virtual machines and virtualised applications (Win10, App-V),
which of course makes software administration tricky.  


The utility which "virtualises" programs for App-V supposedly has a hard limit
of 15k files, and a complete MikTeX installation exceeds this by some margin.  


I am trying to figure out how we might offload packages to a shared repository
on our intranet, from which users can load or install as required.  


The first step is not so hard: I understand that the MikTeX Setup Utility
[provides](https://miktex.org/howto/local-repository) this functionality.  


The second is rather more difficult. Users cannot install to the system
partition (_i.e._ the C: drive), and in any case even if they could this would
be ephemeral as the non-persistent virtual machines are destroyed and re-
created each shutdown/boot.  


Users _do_ have a separate home drive to which they can permanently install
files. Let's call it the H: drive. I was hoping to achieve something similar
to what we do with the R language: have a corporate repository of packages
which can be loaded directly into the RAM of the R session, or have users
install a package to their H: drive and add this location to the PATH of the R


I suppose the "Specifying Alternative Input Directories" section of the manual
gives one way of specifying a non-default personal library installation
location? Or is it the custom TEXMF directory that I should create?  


Also, some packages (such as "glossaries") rely on (non-TeX) scripts. Can the
installation location of these be customised as well?  


Thanks for your time.

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