On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Cliff Hayes <cha...@afo.net> wrote:
> I will have to go with clamd because clamav is taking 12 seconds to scan an
> email with five words in it.
> I tried disabling all repositories except epel like this...
> yum --disablerepo=atrpms-bleeding --disablerepo=atrpms
> --disablerepo=atrpms-testing --disablerepo=elrepo --disablerepo=epel-testing
> --disablerepo=rpmforge --disablerepo=sl6x --disablerepo=sl install clamd
> ... but then I got a long list of dependencies, then a bunch of errors and
> requires, then ended with this...
>  You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
>  You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
> ... so I guess I should go back to binaries?

Mixing 3rd party repos generally leads to conflicts.  On a Centos
system with EPEL as the only extra repo it 'just works'.  Either you
already have some conflicting package from a different repo or you
needed something from the base SL.    Also, if you get mimedefang and
clamd from different repos you may end up with a mismatch in
user/group settings that will cause permission problems on the socket
they use to communicate.

   Les Mikesell
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