I don't know if the backport implementation can be
better than native implementation of ThreadPool
in Java 5. My feeling would be that the native
implementation should be better, but only benchmark
can say that...

I saw also a blocking queue implemented in MINA
using synchronized. If I look at several papers on the concurrent
part of Java 5, they all say that BlockingQueue from concurrent
is better than using synchronized (far better).
However the blocking queue in Mina is quite specific,
so perhaps changing it to Java 5 model can be difficult.

Thank you Peter for your help !

For the backport jar, can we imagine a way to extract
this dependency since if I recall well from the mailing
list, it was introduced also to allow to use native
or specific implementation of the Thread Pool.
And keeping the dependency even if we don't use it,
it is quite strange, isn't it ?
For the moment I try to make my own executor package
using the same name than backport in order to not
have bad dependency without this jar, but it is not really pretty... :-(
Any idea ?


On Sat, 2006-09-23 at 09:32 -0700, peter royal wrote:
> On Sep 23, 2006, at 2:38 AM, Frédéric Brégier wrote:
> > Do I need to re-code ExecutorThreadModel and any
> > files that match the backport jar ?
> > Or do I need to do something more simple as specifying
> > somewhere my own thread pool ?
> >
> > And last question, does Mina now depend en backport
> > or can I still use it without this jar ?
> You still need the backport jar, as well as the java5 module for mina.
> do something like:
> IoConfig.setThreadModel( ThreadModel.MANUAL );
> IoConfig.getFilterChain().addFirst( new ExecutorFilter( new
> ExecutorExecutor( Executors.newCachedThreadPool() ) ) );

Hi guys

What are the benefits/pitfalls of using the Java5 concurrent stuff
compared to the MINA implementation?


Frederic Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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