
You are correct about the build issues from that tag or even the source jar.

For the Sun Jars, unfortunately they must have been in my local maven 
repository when 1.5.2 was released and were never caught.

Not very sure about the resource plugin. I ran into the same issue you did and 
had to comment out the target path, but when 1.5.2 was built (on a WinXP 32 bit 
machine) it worked just fine. I was new to Maven then, and did not have plugin 
versions in POMs, so probably might be something that needs change with newer 
versions of maven-resource-plugin.

The Maven NSIS plugin needs an update, but is probably weeks away. I have not 
spent a lot of time on it (and currently don't have NSIS installed on my 
machine); but you have to have NSIS installed on your machine and available in 
%PATH%. I will try to look into it, but with the $day job, don't see it 
happening soon.
However, if you don't really need the installer, you can happily comment out 
that plugin and run Insight builds. All that plugin does is create the setup 
installer for Windows.


------Original Message------
From: Steven Libonati
ReplyTo: Steven Libonati
ReplyTo: Insight Development Mailing List
Subject: [insight-devel] Issue building 1.5.2
Sent: Oct 12, 2012 13:21

Running into failure with 
com.mindtree.techworks.insight.releng:maven-nsis-plugin:0.1.0:compile. Below is 
full mvn output with debug on. Any hints ? This was obtained from

Also a few things perhaps to add here ....

I had to overcome the log4j dependencies resolution issue with exclusions...



I had to remove targetPath. It was resolving to a network location. If anyone 
can explain that , that would be helpful.

                <!-- <targetPath>/</targetPath>  -->

Apache Maven 3.0.2 (r1056850; 2011-01-08 19:58:10-0500)
Java version: 1.6.0_17, vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_17\jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows xp", version: "5.1", arch: "x86", family: "windows"
[INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.
[DEBUG] Reading global settings from EMBEDDED\conf\settings.xml
[DEBUG] Reading user settings from C:\Documents and 
[DEBUG] Using local repository at C:\Documents and Setti
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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