On 9/21/2009 09:48, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> JonY wrote:
>> On 9/21/2009 06:42, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
>>> NightStrike wrote:
>>>> Add TARGET_ARCH=i686-w64-mingw32 to your make command line.
>>> Shouldn't that be i686-w32-mingw32 or maybe even i686-pc-mingw32?
>> "w64" is already a vendor key recognized by gcc. It will add support for
>> mingw-w64 specific features.
>> Using "w32" is equivalent to "pc".
> Sorry, either you or I are missing something :-).
> If I want to build a Linux ->  win64 cross compiler I can just use the
> default TARGET_ARCH set in the makebuildroot.mk script.
> However, if I want to build a Linux ->  win32 cross compiler I need to
> override the TARGET_ARCH setting. Nightstrike suggested:
>      i686-w64-mingw32
> and I was questioning whether the "w64" component should be replaced
> with either "pc" or "w32"?
> Erik

I should explain clearer.

"w64" in the vendor key does not actually mean win64 only. It means that 
mingw-w64 headers are used instead of mingw.org equivalents. It will 
activate stuff like "-municode" in GCC.

If its not "w64", GCC will assume that mingw.org header set and libs are 
used instead of mingw-w64 provided equivalents. It will disable features 
specific to mingw-w64, so its more mingw.org compatible.

Like NightStrike suggested, you should use "w64" if you are using 
mingw-w64 provided headers. "w32" will have the same effect as using 
"pc" as vendor key.

Was it clear? Sorry for the confusion.

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