On 5/4/2010 21:24, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
> On 4 May 2010 12:57, JonY<jo...@users.sourceforge.net>  wrote:
>> On 5/4/2010 18:58, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
>>> On 4 May 2010 10:40, JonY<jo...@users.sourceforge.net>    wrote:
>>>> On 5/4/2010 17:08, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
>>>>> On 4 May 2010 10:03, Ozkan Sezer<seze...@gmail.com>      wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs
>>>>>> <dmitrij.led...@ubuntu.com>      wrote:
>>>>>>> On 4 May 2010 07:51, Ozkan Sezer<seze...@gmail.com>      wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs
>>>>>>>> <dmitrij.led...@ubuntu.com>      wrote:
>>>>>>>>> the patch link from documentation doesn't apply from me.
>>>>>>>>> neither against tarball nor against cvs please help.
>>>>>>>> Is the patch from here?
>>>>>>>> http://mingw-w64.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mingw-w64/experimental/patches/pthreads_win32/
>>>>>>>> That one applies to the CVS version of pthreads perfectly.
>>>>>>>> Otherwise, if you are running on windows, you might have
>>>>>>>> hit some dos line endigns issue??
>>>>>>> Ok =) let me state what I need better =)
>>>>>>> I want two more patches ontop of that one:
>>>>>>> how it looks after the sed magic has been applied to make it's
>>>>>>> GNUMakefile ready for building i686 and second one for x86_64
>>>>>>> So when I'm building for i686 i would apply that one from the link&
>>>>>>> i686_prep.patch;
>>>>>>> When building for x86_64 patch from the link above and&
>>>>>>>   x86_64_prep.patch
>>>>>>> I'm having troubles with running the makebuildroot-test.mk to create
>>>>>>> those for me.
>>>>>> I don't have experience with that buildbot makefile, however I can
>>>>>> not find any reference to a i686_prep.patch or x86_64_prep.patch in
>>>>>> it, either.  If your problem is that a second sed magic (such as for
>>>>>> prep'ing it for x86_64) not working on the GNUmakefile once a first
>>>>>> one (such as for prep'ing for i686) is applied, you should always
>>>>>> work on a backup copy of the original GNUmakefile the one resulting
>>>>>> from the applying of w64sup.patch.
>>>>>> My own scripts has something like:
>>>>>> cvs -z9 -d:pserver:anon...@sourceware.org:/cvs/pthreads-win32 co
>>>>>> pthreads
>>>>>> cd pthreads
>>>>>> patch -p1<      ../pthreads-w64sup.patch
>>>>>> cp -p config.h pthreads_win32_config.h
>>>>>> cp -p pthread.h pthread.h.bak
>>>>>> sed -e 's/HAVE_CONFIG_H/1/' \
>>>>>>     -e 's/config.h/pthreads_win32_config.h/' \
>>>>>>     <      pthread.h.bak>pthread.h
>>>>>> cp -p GNUmakefile GNUmakefile.bak
>>>>>> The resulting source tree at this point is my reference.
>>>>>> Then, for x86_64-w64-mingw32 I do:
>>>>>> sed -e 's/dlltool$/&      -m i386:x86-64/' \
>>>>>>     -e 's/gcc$/&      -m64/' \
>>>>>>     -e 's/g++$/&      -m64/' \
>>>>>>     -e 's/windres$/&      -F pe-x86-64/' \
>>>>>>     -e 's/pthreadGC\$(DLL_VER)/&-w64/g' \
>>>>>>     -e 's/pthreadGCE\$(DLL_VER)/&-w64/g' \
>>>>>>     <      GNUmakefile.bak>      GNUmakefile
>>>>>> make CROSS="x86_64-w64-mingw32-" clean GC
>>>>>> ... and then for i686-w64-mingw32, I do:
>>>>>> sed -e 's/dlltool$/&      -m i386/' \
>>>>>>     -e 's/gcc$/&      -m32/' \
>>>>>>     -e 's/g++$/&      -m32/' \
>>>>>>     -e 's/windres$/&      -F pe-i386/' \
>>>>>>     -e 's/pthreadGC\$(DLL_VER)/&-w32/g' \
>>>>>>     -e 's/pthreadGCE\$(DLL_VER)/&-w32/g' \
>>>>>>     <      GNUmakefile.bak>      GNUmakefile
>>>>>> make CROSS="i686-w64-mingw32-" clean GC
>>>>>> As you see, I always do the sed magic on the backup GNUmakefile.bak
>>>>>> and output a new GNUmakefile for every new target.
>>>>>> Hope these help.
>>>>> Yeap thanks.the -test makefile a bit more obsuscated and whey i tried
>>>>> to run just the mangling target it started to checkout binutils =/
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I wrote the -test makefile, its designed to build everything from
>>>> binutils
>>>> to the crt to gcc. Ozkan's script is quite similar to the one in the
>>>> -test
>>>> makefile.
>> I mean the pthread build script. Actually, I'm still not understanding what
>> you wanted with the -test makefile, isn't it supposed to pull binutils too?
> I'm using it as a reference when i get stuck with debian specific challenges.

I see, its better to read 
"trunk/mingw-w64-doc/howto-build/mingw-w64-howto-build-adv.txt" for 
instructions. The test makefile incorporates most if not all of the 
instructions mentioned.

The text is less obfuscated and should explain what all the configure 
options are for.

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