Thorsten Glaser <tg <at>> writes:

> michael dixit:

> (Disclaimer: only somewhat tested, amounting to what $PS2 does.)

yay! an excuse not to fix my bad habit.

> You wonb> (And if thereb
what's jupp?
> Oh *wow*.

> Right. For example, avoid printf(1) on mksh, but use the print
> builtin (on all Korn shells).
> ksh93, for small test things, is available though shbot on
> Freenode IRC. Example:
> 20:26b>shbot< k# echo ${.sh.version}
> 20:26b[[shbot]] Version AJM 93u+ 2012-08-01

> If this is about the bug you reported, itb> by a check on the shell, as the 
> bug is likely to eventually
> get fixed, making your code buggy 

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I have no delusions that such a thing will ever 
be robust in anyway. As is glaringly obvious, there is no version checking 
in that script - and I don't intend to add any. It was just a thought 
experiment. My platoon sergeant once told me that if I wanted to understand 
how my tools work, I should try extending them. That's all that was - you 
won't find it on github or anything.

I just thought you might like to see that the solution on this end was 
checking if the splitter was at the head and, if so, appending another. I 
thought a similar tactic might on apply on your end. But I dunno.


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