Seb <> wrote:
 |Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the problem pointed here is the time
 |mksh takes to complete the task. The cause is probably that,

No sorry, it was the visual appearance: printing a single line,
keep writing at the right border with scrolling the line content
off to the left -- which this terminal doesn't do normally, my own
NCL editor which only uses backspace and carriage-return for
movement causes a line wrap when advancing over the last column
--, then, presumably after the maximum line length was reached,
dumping that complete one out again (with expected visual
appearance) and writing the remaining content with the expected
wrapping from the very start (but again for the next line).  It is
a problem of that Apple terminal i think, i started one freshly
and ran the snippet and all was fine, i started and quit vim and
then the behaviour as above can be seen.

 |whereas bash and dash, mksh has no built-in 'printf' per default,
 |so each 'printf' occurence is ran from the PATH.

But you are right in that it seems the time delay caused by printf
not being a builtin in mksh reveals this problem of that terminal.
And yes, i just didn't think about any other cause since that
visual appearance was so strange and never has been seen on this
terminal, _and_ is pretty similar to interactive mksh edit mode --
except for the missing "<" in the rightmost column, so to say.
Truly my bad..


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