On Tue, May 08, 2018 at 04:44:00PM +0200, G.raud wrote:

> My goal here is to check when job control is enabled; case (2)
> is conform to the manpage as is your example; however case (1)
> is not hence the bug report.

Ah yes. I totally missed your point, sorry! Indeed:

  $ mksh -c 'sleep 1 & fg'           # ok.
  mksh: fg: job control not enabled
  $ mksh -m -c 'sleep 1 & fg'        # not ok. 
  mksh: fg: job control not enabled

Curiously, It works as expected with the -i option (which implies
the job monitor):

  $ mksh -i -c 'fg'
  mksh: fg: %%: no such job

As if '-m' was just ignored.

You're also right for the xclock case; bash works as expected.

Sorry again,

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