Dixi quod…

>│ shell \ what │ inside visible │ exported │ afterwards visible │ exported │
>│ ksh93        │ ✔ as required  │ ✗ (ok)   │ ✗ no, permitted    │ –        │
>│ mksh ±posix  │ ✔ as required  │ ✓ (good) │ ✓ yes, permitted   │ ✓ (ok)   │
>│ posh (old)   │ ✔ as required  │ ✓ (good) │ ✗ no, permitted    │ –        │

>The “afterwards visible” property is dividing. Hiding it would be
>consistent related to how assignments are handled running non-functions,

Looking at POSIX again, same place:

 * If the command name is a standard utility implemented as a function
   (see XBD [142]Utility), the effect of variable assignments shall be
   as if the utility was not implemented as a function.

This is easier, not to mention more reliable to do, if all function
invocations are handled as if the callee is not a function, that is,
inside visible plus exported, outside untouched.

I’m strongly considering changing mksh to match; note this was not
changed deliberately before / from pdksh/oksh.

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