On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Joshua Slive wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, jason andrade wrote:
> > Any chance of getting these permissions fixed ?
> >
> > I am just following up on this from a few weeks ago.
> >
> > send_files failed to open //faq/maint: Permission denied
> > send_files failed to open //mail/icalendar-cvs/200103.gz: Permission denied
> > send_files failed to open //mail/jserv-bugdb/200108: Permission denied
> Ummm... OK.  I'll forward this over to the infrastructure group.  But why
> on earth are you mirroring java.apache.org?  This is a WAY out of date
> project.  It does little good to mirror it.

historial reasons.  i will probably can it now.

we have been mirroring some apache projects (even though only dist is
pointed at us as a mirror) because we also do some of our own search
stuff internally that people use and because that's also the only
way we had in the past to get things like the apache documentation.

a lot of our users were quite pissed when they lost the local documentation
as part of a mirror so we've tried to accomodate them by mirroring parts
of the apache site they asked for..

i'm doing some cleanup now..



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