
Christian Lohmaier wrote on 2011-07-30 18:24:

The problem is that the dirlisting is no standard apache listing, and
matches lighthttp listing that the parser assumes, but it fails to
detect entries as directories correctly.

thanks a lot for investigating, Christian!

the problem is that "check whether entry ends in a slash" fails
because the / is outside of the link-label

"<a href="libreoffice">libreoffice</a>/"

and thus it treats the libreoffice as file entry and the size column
contains "-" so it cannot compare.

Did you ping the mirror admin about that, maybe he can easily fix it?

Nope, that is the one used in the database.
Log story short, I changed the parser to also accept the string
"Directory" as a marker for dir-entries. So now scanning should work
with ibiblio mirror as well
(@flo: see line 640 in /usr/bin/scanner)

I had it scanned and enabled.

Thanks a lot! Can you ping Peter Pöml so he can include that fix in MirrorBrain? In case of a MirrorBrain update, your change will be removed otherwise, so it should make its way into the main code.


Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
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