Hi Elton, *,

On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Elton Chung <el...@elton.tk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just compared the HTML source code of
> http://mirror.bjtu.edu.cn/tdf/ with
> other lighttpd mirroring servers.
> It seems that the slash "/" is missing from the <a href='libreoffice'> code.
> Would it a possible source of the problem?

Only if I had not changed the parser for it just a few days ago (for
he ibiblio mirror that also doesn't include the / in the link-text

  <tr><td class="n"><a href="libreoffice">libreoffice</a>/</td><td
class="m">2011-Feb-10 08:02:35</td><td class="s">-&nbsp;</td><td
  <tr><td class='n'><a href='libreoffice'>libreoffice</a>/</td><td
class='m'>2011-Feb-10 21:02:35</td><td
class='s'>--&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td class='t'>Directory</td></tr><tr><td
colspan='4' style='height:7px;'></td></tr>

The difference is that bjtu's code doesn't contain any newlines, but
the whole table in one single line. And the scanner is not prepared
for that, it expexts every tr to start on a separate line.

I'll look into it.


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