We have created a new mirror of LibreOffice for Bulgaria (since there were none). It is situated in an ISP called onlineDirect in the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia. You can see information about the machine at: http://Igor.onlineDirect.bg (it is called Igor) The URL for TDF is: http://tdf.igor.onlinedirect.bg and ftp://igor.onlinedirect.bg/others/tdf The limits are: 3 HTTP connections and 2 FTP connections per IP address Bandwidth: 2 gbps to the Bulgarian peering, 1 gbps international (from which we can spare 50 mbps for this mirror)
So we would like to have Bulgarian traffic mainly.
The mirror is synced every 5 hours.
My name is Nikolay Aleksandrov and I am the systems and network administrator of onlineDirect. If you have any questions or comments please send them to i...@onlinedirect.bg

Best regards,
Nikolay Aleksandrov

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