
On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 09:01:32 +0200, wrote:
> This looks like clients hogging connections and not releasing them, or a leak
> within a filter.
> - what do you see with the `fstat` command when the issue happens ?
> - do you see unusual trafic in your logs and/or `netstat` ?
> - any local script gone wrong in you `ps` output ?
> - and more importantly what's your configuration file like ?

Unfortently I've restarted both mail server, and I can't answer to your
questions other than provide a config.

I've double checked it right now, and for 9 hours it hasn't got any unusual

Anyway, I've noticed an issue in hours, like 20.

> Give more details please

I'll try to give everything that I can. If you need more, feel free to ask.

1. smtpd.conf

I've removed srs keys, comments and short the list of used DNSBL:

    pki cert "/etc/ssl/"
    pki key  "/etc/ssl/private/"

    table aliases        file:/etc/mail/aliases
    table domains        file:/etc/mail/domains
    table credentials    passwd:/etc/mail/credentials

    queue ttl 7d
    bounce warn-interval 1h, 1d, 3d, 6d


    smtp max-message-size 100M

    listen on socket

    action "local_mail" mbox alias <aliases>
    match from local for local action "local_mail"

    filter admdscrub proc-exec "filter-admdscrub -s"
    filter "auth" proc-exec "filter-auth"

    filter dnsbl proc-exec "filter-dnsbl -m \
           -w \
           bl.local \
           -w wl.local "

    listen on egress inet4 port smtp tls pki \
           filter { admdscrub, "auth", dnsbl }

    action deliver_lmtp lmtp "/var/dovecot/lmtp" rcpt-to virtual <aliases>
    match from any for domain <domains> action deliver_lmtp

    filter dkimsign_rsa proc-exec "filter-dkimsign -a rsa-sha1 -D 
/etc/mail/domains \
           -s 20240125_rsa -k /etc/mail/dkim/20240125.rsa.key" user _dkimsign 
group _dkimsign

    filter dkimsign_ed25519 proc-exec "filter-dkimsign -a ed25519-sha256 -D 
/etc/mail/domains \
           -s 20240125_ed25519 -k /etc/mail/dkim/20240125.ed25519.key" user 
_dkimsign group _dkimsign

    filter dkimsign chain { dkimsign_rsa }

    listen on egress port smtps \
           smtps pki auth <credentials> mask-src filter dkimsign
    listen on egress port submission \
           tls-require pki auth <credentials> mask-src filter 

    action "outbound" relay srs
    match from any auth for any action "outbound"

2. filters

Almost all used filters is the fork with minimal changes, I plan to backport
it as soon as it stable enough. Anyway, the code available here:

Plus I use a filter which implemets SPF and DKMI verify in one call which
is a good candidate to be be a source of leaking because before this error
message, it was warn of missed SPF domain from it. So, the source is here

3. Output of fstat | grep smtpd:

    _smtpd   filter-dnsbl 72770 text /        50153232  -rwxr-xr-x     r    
    _smtpd   filter-dnsbl 72770   wd /               2  drwxr-xr-x     r      
    _smtpd   filter-dnsbl 72770    0* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   filter-dnsbl 72770    1* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   filter-dnsbl 72770    2* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   filter-dnsbl 72770    3 kqueue 0x0 0 state: W
    _smtpd   filter-auth 57529 text /        50161556  -rwxr-xr-x     r    91888
    _smtpd   filter-auth 57529   wd /               2  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   filter-auth 57529    0* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   filter-auth 57529    1* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   filter-auth 57529    2* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   filter-auth 57529    3 kqueue 0x0 0 state: W
    _smtpd   filter-admdscrub 67397 text /        50153229  -rwxr-xr-x     r    
    _smtpd   filter-admdscrub 67397   wd /               2  drwxr-xr-x     r    
    _smtpd   filter-admdscrub 67397    0* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   filter-admdscrub 67397    1* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   filter-admdscrub 67397    2* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   filter-admdscrub 67397    3 kqueue 0x0 0 state: W
    _smtpd   table-passwd 44437 text /        50153223  -rwxr-xr-x     r    
    _smtpd   table-passwd 44437   wd /               2  drwxr-xr-x     r      
    _smtpd   table-passwd 44437    0* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   table-passwd 44437    1 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     
    _smtpd   table-passwd 44437    2 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     
    _smtpd   smtpd      16336 text /        50051231  -r-xr-xr-x     r   532008
    _smtpd   smtpd      16336   wd /               2  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   smtpd      16336    0* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      16336    1* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      16336    2* unix stream 0x0
    _dkimsig smtpd      94392 text /        50051231  -r-xr-xr-x     r   532008
    _dkimsig smtpd      94392   wd /               2  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _dkimsig smtpd      94392    0* unix stream 0x0
    _dkimsig smtpd      94392    1* unix stream 0x0
    _dkimsig smtpd      94392    2* unix stream 0x0
    _dkimsig smtpd      34446 text /        50051231  -r-xr-xr-x     r   532008
    _dkimsig smtpd      34446   wd /               2  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _dkimsig smtpd      34446    0* unix stream 0x0
    _dkimsig smtpd      34446    1* unix stream 0x0
    _dkimsig smtpd      34446    2* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      20966 text /        50051231  -r-xr-xr-x     r   532008
    _smtpd   smtpd      20966   wd /               2  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   smtpd      20966    0* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      20966    1* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      20966    2* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      83350 text /        50051231  -r-xr-xr-x     r   532008
    _smtpd   smtpd      83350   wd /               2  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   smtpd      83350    0* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      83350    1* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      83350    2* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      13249 text /        50051231  -r-xr-xr-x     r   532008
    _smtpd   smtpd      13249   wd /        53608468  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   smtpd      13249 root /        53608468  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   smtpd      13249    0 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd      13249    1 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd      13249    2 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd      13249    3* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      13249    4* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      13249    5* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      13249    6 kqueue 0x0 0 state: W
    _smtpq   smtpd      47452 text /        50051231  -r-xr-xr-x     r   532008
    _smtpq   smtpd      47452   wd /        53608491  drwx--x--x     r      512
    _smtpq   smtpd      47452 root /        53608491  drwx--x--x     r      512
    _smtpq   smtpd      47452    0 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpq   smtpd      47452    1 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpq   smtpd      47452    2 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpq   smtpd      47452    3* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpq   smtpd      47452    4* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpq   smtpd      47452    5* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpq   smtpd      47452    6* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpq   smtpd      47452    7* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpq   smtpd      47452    8 kqueue 0x0 0 state: W
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577 text /        50051231  -r-xr-xr-x     r   532008
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577   wd /        53608468  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577 root /        53608468  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577    0 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577    1 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577    2 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577    3* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577    4* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577    5* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577    6* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577    7* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577    8* internet stream tcp 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577    9* internet stream tcp 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577   10* internet stream tcp 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577   11 kqueue 0x0 0 state: W
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577   12* internet stream tcp 0x0 *:0
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577   14* internet stream tcp 0x0 <--
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577   15* internet stream tcp 0x0 
    _smtpd   smtpd       1577   16* internet stream tcp 0x0 
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872 text /        50051231  -r-xr-xr-x     r   532008
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872   wd /               2  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872    0 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872    1 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872    2 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872    3* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872    4* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872    5* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872    6* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872    7 kqueue 0x0 0 state: W
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872    8* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872    9* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872   10* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872   11* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872   12* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872   13* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872   14* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872   15* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872   16* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872   17* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      32872   18* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134 text /        50051231  -r-xr-xr-x     r   532008
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134   wd /        53608468  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134 root /        53608468  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134    0 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134    1 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134    2 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134    3* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134    4* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134    5* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134    6* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134    7* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134    8* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134    9* unix stream 0x0 /var/run/smtpd.sock
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134   10 kqueue 0x0 0 state: W
    _smtpd   smtpd      69134   11* unix stream 0x0 /var/run/smtpd.sock
    _smtpd   smtpd       5802 text /        50051231  -r-xr-xr-x     r   532008
    _smtpd   smtpd       5802   wd /        53608468  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   smtpd       5802 root /        53608468  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    _smtpd   smtpd       5802    0 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd       5802    1 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd       5802    2 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    _smtpd   smtpd       5802    3* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd       5802    4* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd       5802    5* unix stream 0x0
    _smtpd   smtpd       5802    6 kqueue 0x0 0 state: W
    root     smtpd      33685 text /        50051231  -r-xr-xr-x     r   532008
    root     smtpd      33685   wd /               2  drwxr-xr-x     r      512
    root     smtpd      33685    0 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    root     smtpd      33685    1 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    root     smtpd      33685    2 /         3875217  crw-rw-rw-    rw     null
    root     smtpd      33685    3 kqueue 0x0 0 state: W
    root     smtpd      33685    4* unix stream 0x0
    root     smtpd      33685    5* unix stream 0x0
    root     smtpd      33685    6* unix stream 0x0
    root     smtpd      33685    7* unix stream 0x0
    root     smtpd      33685    8* unix stream 0x0
    root     smtpd      33685    9* unix stream 0x0

3. additional things

Machine runs a dovecot and local DNSBL which is contains a zone which is
created by scripts from here

This scripts runs few times per hour.

Thus, this is quite small setup which contains two servers for dozen of
users and about 1k-2k emails per day.

So, here the output zgrep smtpd /var/log/maillog.0.gz | tail -n 50


    Apr 10 23:31:57 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08015a391f74 smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 10 23:31:58 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08015a391f74 smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 10 23:31:58 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08015a391f74 smtp disconnected 
    Apr 10 23:31:59 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0800b58ca58c smtp disconnected 
    Apr 10 23:32:01 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08020453d470 smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 10 23:32:02 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08020453d470 smtp tls 
    Apr 10 23:32:07 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08020453d470 smtp authentication 
user=kirill result=permfail
    Apr 10 23:32:08 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08020453d470 smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 10 23:32:09 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08030d5e5785 smtp connected 
    Apr 10 23:32:09 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08020453d470 smtp disconnected 
    Apr 10 23:32:10 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08030d5e5785 smtp tls 
    Apr 10 23:32:10 mx1 smtpd[69523]: auth: 6ccf08030d5e5785 spf_record_new: 
    Apr 10 23:32:23 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf080432179b7a smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 10 23:32:35 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf080432179b7a smtp tls 
    Apr 10 23:33:04 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf080432179b7a smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 10 23:33:05 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf080432179b7a smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 10 23:33:09 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf080432179b7a smtp disconnected 
    Apr 10 23:33:29 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0805d4222851 smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 10 23:33:43 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0805d4222851 smtp tls 
    Apr 10 23:34:17 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0805d4222851 smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 10 23:34:17 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0805d4222851 smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 10 23:34:23 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0805d4222851 smtp disconnected 
    Apr 10 23:34:34 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0806a1883889 smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 10 23:34:50 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0806a1883889 smtp tls 
    Apr 10 23:34:51 mx1 smtpd[84358]: warn: Disabling incoming SMTP 
connections: Client limit reached
    Apr 10 23:35:21 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0806a1883889 smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 10 23:35:21 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0806a1883889 smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 10 23:35:26 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0806a1883889 smtp disconnected 
    Apr 10 23:35:26 mx1 smtpd[84358]: warn: smtp: fd exhaustion over, 
re-enabling incoming connections
    Apr 10 23:35:26 mx1 smtpd[84358]: warn: Disabling incoming SMTP 
connections: Client limit reached
    Apr 10 23:35:26 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0807ee9b507b smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 10 23:35:26 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0807ee9b507b smtp disconnected 
    Apr 10 23:35:26 mx1 smtpd[84358]: warn: smtp: fd exhaustion over, 
re-enabling incoming connections
    Apr 10 23:35:28 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0808881acbea smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 10 23:35:28 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf0808881acbea smtp disconnected 
    Apr 10 23:35:39 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08091d72be29 smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 10 23:35:53 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08091d72be29 smtp tls 
    Apr 10 23:36:20 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08091d72be29 smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 10 23:36:20 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08091d72be29 smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 10 23:36:28 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf08091d72be29 smtp disconnected 
    Apr 10 23:36:44 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf080a4596f230 smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 10 23:36:53 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf080a4596f230 smtp tls 
    Apr 10 23:37:10 mx1 smtpd[84358]: warn: Disabling incoming SMTP 
connections: Client limit reached
    Apr 10 23:37:21 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf080a4596f230 smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 10 23:37:22 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf080a4596f230 smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 10 23:37:25 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf080a4596f230 smtp disconnected 
    Apr 10 23:37:25 mx1 smtpd[84358]: warn: smtp: fd exhaustion over, 
re-enabling incoming connections
    Apr 10 23:37:25 mx1 smtpd[84358]: 6ccf080baa2709a1 smtp connected 
    Apr 10 23:37:25 mx1 smtpd[69523]: auth: 6ccf080baa2709a1 spf_record_new: 
    Apr 10 23:37:43 mx1 smtpd[84358]: warn: Disabling incoming SMTP 
connections: Client limit reached


    Apr 11 05:05:19 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f4ed6ea8ec smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 11 05:05:26 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f4ed6ea8ec smtp disconnected 
    Apr 11 05:05:40 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f6fd08763a smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 11 05:05:51 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f6fd08763a smtp tls 
    Apr 11 05:06:17 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f6fd08763a smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 11 05:06:18 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f6fd08763a smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 11 05:06:25 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f6fd08763a smtp disconnected 
    Apr 11 05:06:45 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f7cba65bbf smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 11 05:07:00 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f7cba65bbf smtp tls 
    Apr 11 05:07:11 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f85ded5ca9 smtp connected 
    Apr 11 05:07:13 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f85ded5ca9 smtp tls 
    Apr 11 05:07:13 mx2 smtpd[12461]: auth: 3f9f81f85ded5ca9 spf_record_new: 
    Apr 11 05:07:31 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f7cba65bbf smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 11 05:07:31 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f7cba65bbf smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 11 05:07:38 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f7cba65bbf smtp disconnected 
    Apr 11 05:07:40 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f95ac50e10 smtp connected 
    Apr 11 05:07:41 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81f95ac50e10 smtp tls 
    Apr 11 05:07:41 mx2 smtpd[12461]: auth: 3f9f81f95ac50e10 spf_record_new: 
    Apr 11 05:07:50 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fa5aaf4c8e smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 11 05:07:59 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fa5aaf4c8e smtp tls 
    Apr 11 05:08:28 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fa5aaf4c8e smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 11 05:08:28 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fa5aaf4c8e smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 11 05:08:31 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fa5aaf4c8e smtp disconnected 
    Apr 11 05:08:55 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fb0208084c smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 11 05:09:05 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fb0208084c smtp tls 
    Apr 11 05:09:30 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fb0208084c smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 11 05:09:30 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fb0208084c smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 11 05:09:33 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fb0208084c smtp disconnected 
    Apr 11 05:09:59 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fcbcf0f32e smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 11 05:10:11 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fcbcf0f32e smtp tls 
    Apr 11 05:10:36 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fcbcf0f32e smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 11 05:10:37 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fcbcf0f32e smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 11 05:10:40 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fcbcf0f32e smtp disconnected 
    Apr 11 05:11:04 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fd682e0785 smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 11 05:11:15 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fd682e0785 smtp tls 
    Apr 11 05:11:40 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fd682e0785 smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 11 05:11:40 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fd682e0785 smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 11 05:11:47 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fd682e0785 smtp disconnected 
    Apr 11 05:12:09 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fe5e363ed5 smtp connected 
address= host=<unknown>
    Apr 11 05:12:13 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81ff7c133003 smtp connected 
    Apr 11 05:12:14 mx2 smtpd[12461]: auth: 3f9f81ff7c133003 spf_record_new: 
    Apr 11 05:12:23 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fe5e363ed5 smtp tls 
    Apr 11 05:12:41 mx2 smtpd[35705]: warn: Disabling incoming SMTP 
connections: Client limit reached
    Apr 11 05:12:57 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fe5e363ed5 smtp authentication result=permfail
    Apr 11 05:12:58 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fe5e363ed5 smtp failed-command 
command="AUTH LOGIN (password)" result="535 Authentication failed"
    Apr 11 05:13:03 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f81fe5e363ed5 smtp disconnected 
    Apr 11 05:13:03 mx2 smtpd[35705]: warn: smtp: fd exhaustion over, 
re-enabling incoming connections
    Apr 11 05:13:03 mx2 smtpd[35705]: 3f9f820021a5b7d4 smtp connected 
    Apr 11 05:13:03 mx2 smtpd[12461]: auth: 3f9f820021a5b7d4 spf_record_new: 
    Apr 11 05:13:14 mx2 smtpd[35705]: warn: Disabling incoming SMTP 
connections: Client limit reached

Interesting that both machine stuck after tries to delivery
its mail twice.

Anyway, both machine has near the same uptime:

    mx1$ uptime
     9:49AM  up 42 days,  7:11, 2 users, load averages: 0.56, 1.07, 1.09

    mx2$ uptime
     9:49AM  up 42 days,  7:09, 1 user, load averages: 0.72, 0.64, 0.58

and was rebooted for syspatch. As far as I recall smtpd wasn't restarted by
hand until yesterday.

So, I may assume that it works for about 41 days without any issue, and
after some bad actor ( tries to send something, it brokes the
machine. Both of them.

wbr, Kirill

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