Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, [iso-8859-15] Josi M. [iso-8859-15] Fandiqo wrote:
> >  I'm trying to install OpenBSD in three servers with
> > identical hardware and I was able to install it in two
> > of them but not in the third.
> >
> > Each server detects a diferent geometry for the SCSI
> > disks  :-?
> >
> > server1 -> geometry: 817199/87/1 [71096313 Sectors]
> > server2 -> geometry: 2843852/25/1 [71096300 Sectors]
> > server3 -> geometry: 4425/255/63 [71087625 Sectors]
> > dmesg, fdisk and disklabel:
> >
> >
> >

> I cannot explain the differences in geometry. Your disklabels look OK,
> it might be a BIOS thing that hits you. This smells like a problem
> Nick loves ;-)

definitely he is the man to find it.

> You server3 log puzzles me, since it is incomplete. I do not see you
> setting the size in fdisk.  This is important since there are a few
> CAVEATS; see fdisk(8).

it is a full install process.

> I see you violate the MBR boundary rules on server 1 and 2 as well.
> You might be just lucky the other two servers work, and have a hidden
> problem there as well.

It was my first impression since they are very weird geometries.

> If possible, it is easiest to just use the whole disk for OpenBSD,
> since fdisk -i (as done by the installer) just takes care of
> everything.

it isn't possible. I plan use the remain MBR partitions to store 
old OpenBSD installations, so if an update fails I can revert
to the previous version immediately.

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