> The reason why I bother this list is that I am impressed of OpenBSD from 
> the technical point of view. I like its consistency and purity. But in 
> business environments or comparable organizations where money is an 
> issue, one needs to think about system management very carefully, since 
> it has a direct impact on money as well. That's why I can't understand 
> people can really live with the 6 months lifecycle.

I don't understand this whole conversation.

Instead, what those vendors give people is a 5 year patch-every-month

That is completely unsustainable.  The pieces we build upon are
advancing too fast.

I don't buy into that method of operating system componentizatio at
all, that you can just keep patching and patching.  It was not true 15
years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago, and I see no proof that it will
be true ever in the future.

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