On Thu, 6 Oct 2005 15:49:02 -0400
"Dave Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's not quite the whole story: 53/tcp is also used when the
> response to a query is too big for a single UDP packet (the resolver
> sends a UDP query and gets a 'truncated' UDP reply, so the resolver
> retries the query using TCP) -- you should always pass both UDP and
> TCP for port 53 to avoid occasional obscure failures.

Works fine on on the 20000 domains where it's been implemented, of which
I handled the conversion from BIND style to djbdns. No problems on UDP
lookups alone, including some deep CNAMEs, which are just not required,
but I'll deal with those at a later date.

I haven't seen any problems since the change. Lookup times have
improved, I can't state if this is due to the lack of TCP or the file
system overheads with zone files, but I expect a mixture of the two.

Regards, Ed http://www.usenix.org.uk

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