On 09/09/11 10:12, Chris Cappuccio wrote:
somebody actually wrote their own open source replacement for the frontpage 
CGIs sometime, that might be worth a look. i'm sure you can find it searching 

or, you can replace mod_frontpage with suexec, a small wrapper that you get to 
compile, and mod_rewrite rules.  you still have to use the nasty microsoft 
binaries in emulation mode, which means i386-only.  i still have the 
mod_rewrite rule list and the CGI wrapper if you want.
sure i want them i would apreciate if u can send it tome thanks.
do you really have any significant number of users that actually want to use 
frontpage or is this some old requirement written up 10 years ago ?  microsoft 
doesn't support frontpage anymore, on any platform

sysadmin help account [samu...@loscabos.gob.mx] wrote:
hello i have search on the list no luck, i have installed the package
mod_frontpage, ive done all what pkg_info said now whats the next step? i need
to add an account how do i do that?

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