> >The only fix for this is a *major* redesign of spamd (or equivalently
> >incorporating spamd's greylisting code into a spamfilter which *does*
> >relay connections at the IP level to an MTA - which is actually what I'm
> >working on at the moment)

> Why start from scratch ? There are enough seasoned, full featured MTA's
> around that will allow you to incorparate greylisting. And you get all
> the other stuff like STARTTLS, AUTH etc gratis.
> I'd either accept spamd's few limitiations or incorparate greylisting
> into a MTA.
> Just my thoughts.

There *are* several greylisting implementations using MTAs if that is
what you want.  The attractive feature of spamd+openbsd/pf is that it is
MTA-agnostic.  After it does its thing it simply routes your connection
through to the real MTA at the IP level.

Anyway, it's not starting from scratch for me - I have a mature
pseudo-transparent SMTP filter that works well and has been in service
for over a year - it's just that I have not publicised it much because
in its current form it requires configuration, such as telling it
what domains you accept mail for, which IPs are local, etc.  I needed
to learn about transparent bridging first and recode the I/O so that
the filtering is not visible at the IP level.  Which I now have, mostly.

My filter uses spamassassin plus spamprobe plus uvscan plus clamav, with
some automatic detection of spamtrap addresses thrown in.  I haven't yet
added greylisting to it, and indeed our deployment at the University where
I work has an openbsd running spamd sitting in front of my filter sitting
in front of the real MTA!  By incorporating the logic from spamd into my
code, I can remove one piece of hardware.  And improve spamd while I'm at
it, because with thi sarchitecture I can forward that second connection
attempt to the MTA, and avoid having two delays rather than one.


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