I'd like to take a moment to bring a few new things in the FAQ to your

1) upgrade38.html ( http://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade38.html )
In addition to the usual stuff you have been used to, note the
upgrade38.patch file which is linked from this page.  This patch file
attempts to make the changes that took place between 3.7 and 3.8 to the
files that you may have modified (i.e., the ones you can't just copy
over from etc38.tgz).  Note: It CAN NOT always work.  And, it may really
mess things up under some circumstances if used carelessly.  Use with
care (and backups and repair plans).

If it works out well for people, I'll keep making them for the future.
If it works out poorly, it may just vanish from the website...

2) Introducing, "FAQ 15 - The OpenBSD packages and ports system"!
Steven Mestdagh (author of the also pretty new "FAQ 13 - Multimedia" has
once again come through with a wonderful new page providing much greater
documentation for the OpenBSD packages and ports system.  Packages and
ports have gone through some major evolutions in the last few releases,
but the old faq8.html documentation had been lagging.  Many thanks to
Steven for his hard work on this!


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