Use http then?  To get you out of trouble.

Since other people dont have the problem, something fishy going on at your ISP?

I was once with an ISP that had a transparent proxy for http.  I noticed because
it was serving dated content, and the IP address on my remote server logs were
not my own.  Maybe your ISP is transparent proxying ftp?

My current ISP blocks a lot of ports by default.  I needed to login and disable
their firewall in my customer profile.

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 09:55:35PM +0200, Jan Stary wrote:
> Trying to reinstall with the current i386/bsd.rd.
> All goes well until I actually select a ftp mirror,
> and asked for the ftp login, I accept the default of
> 'anonymous'. It keeps asking:
>       ftp login ? anonymous [enter]
>       ftp login ? anonymous [enter]
>       ftp login ? anonymous [enter]
> and never gets past this.
> Tried with different ftp mirrors,
> so it's not that the one mirror is broken.
>       Jan

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